

Innovative Treatment Miraculous Results:

Homoeo Research Remedy


"Our Mission is to Save Life"
Mighty Wonderful organ!
Almighty God has blessed us with one spare kidney..!

Wonders of Kidney

The two kidneys together contain about 2,400,000 nephrons, and each nephron is capable of forming urine itself. Usually only some 2O% of the nephrons are simultaneously active, but under conditions of stress all are engaged.

That a large part may be destroyed and yet the remainder can carry out the necessary work; it is estimated that — not until between two-third 2/3 and three quarters 3/4 of the total numbers of nephron (total renal substance) is rendered inactive does loss of concentrating ability manifest.

Experience has proved that impairment of renal function and renal disease can be restored to normal by treatment. Kidneys are secondarily affected by disorders going on in the other systems of body.

Miracles of Homoeopathy in Kidney Failure (without Dialysis and Kidney Transplantation)

Saving Life with Homoeo Healing Dynamites

How can small looking Homoeo pills possess great power of healing dynamite to save life of patient suffering from kidney failure?

Is it as fast as an Intensive care unit treatment?

Is it possible to avoid expensive kidney transplantation?

Our answer is emphatically – Yes

Healing the Mind

Healing the Mind of Kidney patient is most important. Through careful observation, we have investigated the mental aspect of kidney patients. The mind in most cases is terribly depressed, in constant agitation, sleepless nights, and violent disturbance expressed in anger. Pictures of discontentment, resentment, various fears, apprehension etc are prevailing and filling the mind. Homoeopathy takes in to account psychosomatic make up of the patient (i.e. mind- body relationship, having body symptoms of mental origin)

There are multitudes of stumbling blocks in life of man, suffers many unfavorable circumstances during years of growth as a child, strained family relations, business problems, financial strains, sudden shocks or loss of family member or illness. Etc. These things disorder the vital functioning of human machine.

Rejuvenated life is possible! Unbelievable, yet true!

Holistic approach of healing

Healing (the whole patient): Body, mind and spirit. Remember Mind is ALMIGHTY! A source of infinite healing energy. If this healing center is powerfully stimulated by the right healing homeo dynamite, then curative vital reaction starts which heals his mind and commands the kidney cells (nephrons) to regenerate and healthy function is restored. Amazingly impossible, yet call be done! Homeopathy heals the broken hearted, reinvigorates the weary (tired with energy abated) and under heavy Press of modem Life. (Grief, anxiety, worry, tension, discontent, despair, fears etc.) The negative emotions of fear, jealousy, criticism, faultfinding, hatred, revenge, anger...etc are transformed into positive emotions of desire, faith, love enthusiasm and hope .. Etc. These positive emotions heal the kidney.


Power of faith in yourself

Have faith in amazing healing powers hidden inside yourself and throw away sickness. The almighty god is ready to bless you with His grace (divine regenerating and strengthening influence)

Kidney Disease - a Multisystem Disorder

Modern research suggests that the primary defect is not in Kidneys but in composition of blood and other problems as shown in figure below:



‘Fighting with the Kidney Disease & Reviving the hopes of the family.’


  • Beyond imaginations!
  • Expanding horizon of healing powers of mind, body and spirit.
  • Kidney can be revived to function again,Unbelievable, yet possible!

Common misconception: Homoeopathy is Slow!

‘Gone are the days when homeopathy used to be called a ‘slow acting’ medicine. A rightly selected medicine acts as a powerful dynamite to save the life and in a week/fortnight show amazing improvement--- restoring hope of patient & joy of the whole family.

Reversal of Kidney Disease: Is it possible?

Yes. Homeo medicine rightly chosen on through investigation and careful observation has the infinite power to reverse the mechanisms, which are operating in the patient. Stress is relieved and kidney starts functioning in normal way.Amazing improvement follows!

Experience a New Lease of Life

Long live the marching soul of Master Hahnemann (The father of homeopathy) Who discovered this wonderful gift of God for the suffering humanity!


“May Almighty God bless the suffering kidney patients with his divine grace to heal and rejuvenate their life”

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